Our concept is to create a unique ‘virtual’ Anzac Memorial by using our War Memorial already in place in Onslow and connecting this with another identical one, at present being constructed at Swansea RSL, Swansea, NSW.
The Onslow memorial is singularly unique in that the sun rises in it’s central arch… over water…on the west coast!
Our concept is to broadcast, live, a televised Swansea RSL ceremony onto a huge public screen erected on Beadon Point in Onslow where the dawn service attendees would watch the Anzac Dawn arise in the exact centre of the great arch at the centre of the twin memorial, on the eastern seaboard, a full 2 hours before Onslow. The ceremony would also be featured on the various social media outlet.
Two hours later, the people of Swansea would watch the Anzac Dawn rising in the Onslow Memorial, on their own large screen. This has now become a truly unique concept with the potential claim of being, not only the largest ANZAC Dawn Service Memorial of its kind in Australia but, in effect, become possibly the world’s largest ….memorial.